Haha 👍

Apr 25, 2024,15:50 PM

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Another swing…

By: gary_g : April 25th, 2024-12:23
And a miss… Does anyone know someone who actually won one of these?!? Or is it just a scam?!? ...  

I'd be more respectful with the choice of words

By: piccolochimico (aka dsgalaxy1) : April 25th, 2024-12:42
I did now win as well as I didn't in the past raffles, but I bought the lucky clover. The fact that people are not publicly celebrating here doesn't mean it's a scam.

Let's try to avoid such jokes in the future.

By: patrick_y : April 25th, 2024-14:58
Jokes are not well appreciated across cultures and not always well understood across cultures. And in this context, it was definitely not clear that you were joking. The anonymity of the internet is often taken advantage of - it allows us to be blunt and ... 

Much appreciated Gary_g!

By: patrick_y : April 25th, 2024-15:49
I hope you continue to try your luck with the M.A.D. timepieces. They are definitely interesting turtle/tortue-shaped watches!

I did not win either!

By: sham1 : April 25th, 2024-12:59
But I have never won any of the M.A.D, lotteries so my expectations were low anyway.


By: MilDiver : April 25th, 2024-13:45
Third time is the charm .. Red, (-) Green, (-) Tri color (-) I saved so much

For me the bigger question

By: Cozmopak : April 25th, 2024-14:13
Is why people actually still like these watches? Hasn’t the novelty worn off? They are ugly

I totally agree!

By: ZSHSZ : April 25th, 2024-14:27
I have no idea why I entered this one. I didn’t even bother with the previous ones, since I don’t like them, but I guess I fell for the hype… Promise, it won’t happen again!😉

Schadenfreude again?

By: patrick_y : April 25th, 2024-14:45
It's not a scam. There's no breath of a scam. It's funny, how our group is now encouraging schadenfreude and now interpreting things as potential scams when the lottery isn't favorable to them. Let's be fair to everyone - including the vendor here.