240Q and 5140 macros
Mar 09, 2018,15:16 PM
Just some random 240Q and 5140 macros, for no particular reason.
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By: Esharp : March 10th, 2018-03:04
...J was thinking the same thing. Given the quantity they produce, PP has done an amazing job of maintaining their hallowed place in the market. Nonetheless, I was expecting there would be a difference in finishing between your common-or-garden variety 24...
By: tom2517 : March 16th, 2018-23:50
I have always been saying the movement finish on these Pateks are really just average, Dufour and Credor are on a different level completely. However it would be interesting to see how VCs and APs does it compare to Pateks.
Very well said!
By: Dufourism : March 20th, 2018-15:52
Consumers are getting more well informed these days due to the advent of technology and social media. I believe Patek is realising this.. Their Instagram game however, is a little Johnny come lately.. Well, better late than never..
I hope so...
By: patrick_y : March 20th, 2018-16:42
But, sophistication takes time, sometimes generations, and parents/grandparents to teach you how it was done in the past and more importantly why it was done that way. I can tell a young boy or girl, "you must always eat caviar with a horn or mother of pe...