some SERIOUS Tudor bronze complaints

Aug 29, 2017,09:29 AM

I posted this already on instagram via ' @collectible_watches'  but they didn't feel the need to answer or explain anything :-(
I know Patek monitors this site so I hope Rolex / Tudor does the same

About a year ago I bought the Black Bay bronze. Not my first Tudor and not the last. Always been very happy with them.
Beautiful watches, good quality and a reasonable price.
Never had any issues with a Tudor

BUT  ... The Bronze seems to have a big problem

Months after I bought mt black bay bronze  I suddenly discovered a hole in the bezel inlay. Strange cause I am really careful with my watches. I can show you for example my PP5070R. That one is 10 years old and it looks like new.
Anyway, a little hole in the bezel inlay was something I could not explain how it happened.
Probably I did something wrong but it did not fall, no scratches , dents ...

So back to my AD. I asked him if he could replace the bezel inlay and I was ready to pay for it.
3 weeks or so later the watch was ready, they changed the bezel inlay and my AD or Tudor did it for free

About 1 or 2 months later   .... a black spot on my 'new' bezel inlay. First I thought it was dust but it wasn't
it was a black spot
again days or a couple of weeks later the black spot was gone  ... it became a freaking hole  .... AGAIN

I thought I was insane, again an hole in the bezel inlay  ... ughhh ??? Why ?

Almost to ashamed to go to my AD again with a similar problem but what else could I do
Same story, after 2 or 3 weeks they called me cause they had replaced the bezel inlay wit a new inlay

Don't want to make this post unnecessary long but I can tell you the watch also returned a THIRD and a FORTH time with EXACTLY the same problem

And now I'm counting down the days cause I know it will happen a 5th time

Because of the instagram post I had contact with many other Black Bay bronze owners and believe me, I'm not the only one
Some guys send me pictures ( one of them a famous BIG AD from another country) and what I saw was sometimes unbelievable. Totally ruined inlay's
Another guy Mr Tudor ( famous for his Tudor posts on Instragram also discovered black spots on his watch)

Salt water seems to be the problem

salt water in combination with bronze seems to 'eat' the bezel inlay.
Is the inlay aluminium? anyway, it can't stand salt water

Other bronze watches I know do have a ceramic inlay or no inlay at all but a solid bronze bezel

I hope Tudor will solve this problem. Don't care if they need to replace all these bezels but this is unacceptable from such a respected brand
And they can start with a communication. if only my watch returned 4 times in 1 year they must be aware of this problem.

The watch is a diver, but you can't use it in salt water ? 
Sorry but some people do swim, surf, sail, ....

look at these pics to see the proces 
Black spot - becomes a hole - more black spots - more holes  .....

this is just one example
after some time a lot of holes will appear
I've seen a bezel where half the inlay was gone !!!

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Sorry to hear that. This was a watch I almost decided to be my first Bronze watch....

By: Clueless_Collector : August 29th, 2017-09:35
if only Lady Gaga or Beckham can come to the rescue ... Good luck and I hope they fix the issue. Thanks for bringing this awareness up. Rgds Raymond

ok, ready for a horror picture ? .........

By: Bruno.M1 : August 29th, 2017-10:05
this is not my watch nor picture but like told, one I received after the instagram post The watch belongs to a guy that surfs often in the Mediterranean Sea ( just got his permission to post this one too ) ...  

Sorry to hear that and I hope Tudor will fix and solve this problem soon 🤞

By: Alkiro1 : August 29th, 2017-10:07
That's incredible because it's not just a stain (or may be at the beginning) but it clearly eats the matter. I really understand why you're so angry with Tudor after so many return trips. Best wishes Alkiro

Sorry to hear about your problem

By: Poky : August 29th, 2017-10:18
It must be the corroding (some people call it patina, it is corrosion!) bronze underneath the disc which is affecting the disc. I don't mean to add insult to your injury but bronze is not a corrosion resistant metal. It is fine with water but anything aci... 

imo it IS the problem of the manufacturer

By: Bruno.M1 : August 29th, 2017-10:44
why is Tudor the only one that uses an aluminium (?) inlay ? If it would have been ceramic there wouldn't be a problem, or no inlay but a solid bronze bezel ( Panerai, Oris, ...) We know bronze oxidizes or erodes ( what is the english word for it) ... get... 

You have a point there

By: Poky : August 29th, 2017-11:00
The problem is that the manufacturer will only change yours to ceramic if they decide to do that for the rest of them. I doubt Tudor will do that. Let us know what happens.

If the inlay is made of aluminium, then my theory suggests it is Galvanic Corrosion

By: skyeriding : August 29th, 2017-10:45
Which, in more layman terms, means that if you have two different metals physically touching/connected via e.g. salt water especially, one of the pair of metals will start rapidly corroding. A pure bronze watch, or a pure aluminium watch will not corrode... 


By: amblin_xi : August 29th, 2017-13:06
Yes, you are correct, this is the perfect example of a galvanic corrosion in progress. Aluminum by itself had excellent anti corrosion properties because a thin oxidation layer will rapidly form , adhere to the parent metal and stop any further corrosion ... 

Thanks for these explanation gents.

By: willski : August 29th, 2017-14:30
It does seem to be a genuine design flaw, and one which seems easily avoidable...

Would washing it in fresh water after a salt water dive help?

By: pjbocean : August 29th, 2017-13:09
I also agree that this original bezel may turn out to me desirable in the future because of the flaw-- geez maybe it will be preferred with the holes in it much like a faded color bezel is, lol


By: amblin_xi : August 29th, 2017-13:45
No, it's the fight of two metals and aluminum will always be the victim. Salt water could be a catalyst but not the main reason behind the problem.. And after all, why would one dive with a bronze watch anyway? Nasty green rust spots will happen especiall... 


By: amblin_xi : August 29th, 2017-16:39
Not sure, I've not seen the particular watch in person, but judging by the gold tone in pictures and typical basic requirements of a watch case , I'd say it's most likely be the CuAl10Fe3. Al content is 8.5%-11% , this particular alloy can offer good stre... 

too bad I didn't see this earlier

By: jayeyedoubleemmwhy : August 29th, 2017-17:04
the Tudor rep was at my AD yesterday, so I totally could've asked about this. next time!

You have got my attention = stopped my purchasing plans

By: kolosstt : August 29th, 2017-22:13
I had the Tudor Bucherer edition on my wrist and really could have been an owner by now. Some changes in personal life made me delay the acquisition. However, getting this eye opener with your post, I will certainly not proceed with any of these plans. Wh... 

Wow! I can't believe it.

By: masterspiece : August 29th, 2017-22:37
After reading your post I had to check mine as I've used it as a daily beater for quite sometime. Rain, pool, beach. Mine is still pristine with a lovely patina. It is a total bummer that salt water + bronze=corrosion. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on... 

Shame on Tudor, apparently a junior chemist knows this is asking for trouble

By: Maltie : August 30th, 2017-05:59
I'm sure the AD's will pressure Tudor for a solution as they will be getting many pieces in for bezel replacements. So we might expect a ceramic bezel version in the future.

You will get a reply via Lady Gaga.....

By: Hororgasm : August 30th, 2017-12:30
Sorry to hear about your woes. Mine is holding up very well, but then again, I have worn it probably 5 times since I bought it. Thanks for the share. Best, Horo

This is totally unacceptable!

By: Makilla : August 31st, 2017-03:37
its not about how many times they need to change the Inlay but Solve the problem instead. This is really horrible! I doubt it's Alluminum because Rolex and other watches used Alluminum inlays for decades and never had this problem. I think it's a differen... 


By: amblin_xi : August 31st, 2017-04:42
Yes, aluminum bezel inlay has been around for ages, but not in a bronze+aluminum combination.

and 2 years later ...

By: Bruno.M1 : March 30th, 2019-00:12
they show us a new one at Basel 2019 ... with the same bezel inlay material ? A big Tudor fan but SO disappointed ... when will someone at Tudor stand up and solve this problem or will they keep ignoring it ?